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Writer's pictureScott D'Amico

Don't Leave Your Home Vulnerable! Quick Tips When Leaving Your Home Vacant

Updated: Dec 7, 2019

Studies show that 78% of homes that are burglarized each year are vacant homes with no household member present. Hiring a professional home watch service is a crucial step in preventing a break-in to your home. Overwatch Home Services is a professional home watch company that knows how to keep your home protected and deter any potential burglars while you’re away. In addition to hiring a home watch service, there are also procedures you can take before leaving your home for extended periods of time that will decrease your chances of becoming another victim.

Vacant home watch services

Tip 1: Get To Know Your Neighbors

Having neighbors that can keep an eye out for any suspicious activity while you’re away is incredibly beneficial. They can alert you or a home watch professional of any unusual activity going on at your home. Getting to know your neighbors and exchanging contact information with them can potentially save you from becoming a victim. Feel free to give your neighbor the contact of the home watch professional at Overwatch Home Services while you’re away.

Tip 2: Leaving Lights On Timers

A lit up home is far less likely to become victim to burglary or other crimes. When scouting for potential homes, burglars will search for the least lit homes to make their next victim. Investing in timers for your outdoor and indoor lights is a great way to make your house less vulnerable. A home watch professional at Overwatch Home Services can do a walk through with you to guide you on which lights will be crucial to have on timers.

Tip 3: Keeping Lawn & Yard Clean and Maintained

A house that looks dirty and unkept signals to potential burglars that the house may be unoccupied. This makes your home much more likely to be broken into. Making sure you have reliable and trustworthy vendors to keep your home clean and maintained while you’re away is a valuable way to keep your home protected. A home watch professional at Overwatch Home Services will make sure that your vendors are keeping the highest standards possible while you are away from home.

Tip 4: Do Not Advertise That You Are Away

Posting on social media and other platforms that you are away on vacation or out of town is a sure way to notify burglars that your home is unoccupied. Avoid posting pictures, statuses, or comments about being away from your home until you have returned will keep your home much less vulnerable to an attack.

Tip 5: Double Check That All Doors/Windows Are Locked

There is no easier access to your home than through an unlocked door or window. Leaving your home without double checking that all doors are top-bolted and all windows are locked can leave you with devastating consequences. Overwatch Home Services home watch professionals are trained to look for fragile window locks, vulnerable door locks, and other strategic ways burglars look to get into your home. Having a trusted home watch professional will give you the peace of mind when you can’t remember if you’ve locked all doors or not.


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